Coffs Harbour & District Sporting Car Club hold their Khanacross Round 3

Nathan Quinn finishes his run.

COFFS Harbour & District Sporting Car Club ran their Khanacross Round 3 on a big day of racing on Sunday, 28 May.

The event was won by 2017 Australian Rally Champion Nathan Quinn, who was coming off a win in the latest round of the Australian Rally Championship in Western Australia.

The event attracted a wide range of drivers ranging from established champions such as Quinn to thirteen-year-old Koby Guy, who is just starting his journey as a driver in the Juniors.

Quinn took out the event in his old school Maxda RX2, with Natalie Johnson finishing second less than three seconds behind.

Jonathon Summersell had the best time of Junior entrants with Koby Guy second.

A club spokesperson explained what the Khanacross Round involved.

“Khanacross involves courses that are set with a series of red and green flags,” they said.

“Green flags need to be passed on the left side of the car and red flags on the right.

“The courses change over the day.

“The event is held in an area that is safe and if a driving error is made there is no impact other than increased time to complete the course.

“The demands of remembering the course, driving and striving for a competitive time means concentration is required.”

The spokesperson welcomed any drivers to come and try Khanacross.

“All levels of driving ability are welcome,” they said.

“The Coffs Khanacross events are held in a paddock, both registered and unregistered vehicles are permitted.

“The paddock surface is such that the limits of adhesion can be passed which means car control is learnt.

“The Coffs club has a car available at no cost for junior entrants if needed.

“Adults need to supply their own vehicle.

“If you are interested in improving your driving skills, having some fun in a safe environment, having your kids learn how to drive in a safe environment or solving your need for some competition in a grassroots motorsport event, then Khanacross is for you.”

The club’s next event is on Sunday, 25 June, Juniors 12 to 17 years old.

If you are interested in taking part, you can contact the club via their website, or their Facebook page for more information.

Licenses and club membership are available on the day.

The Coffs Harbour & District Sporting Car Club was established in 1966 by car enthusiasts who have since gone on to become some of Coffs leading business people.

The club holds grassroots motorsports events held in and around Coffs Harbour on a regular basis.

Their general meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at The Coffs Hotel commencing at 7.30 pm.


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