Coffs Harbour City Council consider using waste plastic to fuel technology


COFFS Harbour City Council is investigating the option of using waste plastic to fuel technology to help manage waste in the Local Government Area.

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Cr Sally Townley and Cr Tegan Swan moved a motion at Council’s recent ordinary meeting on Thursday, 22 October for Council to request prospectus of the Eco-One – 5TPD plan from Eco Fuel Technology of their waste plastic to fuel technology concept, and upon receipt of this information, receive a staff report on the matter.

“We all know that waste in many ways is something that we have to be very aware of in the current environment, not just for us in Coffs Harbour, but it’s also how we deal with waste ongoing as a community, as a society and investigating different options that are innovative so we can address these problems,” Cr Swan said at the meeting.

“This is a starting point to see if this can be an option for us, to see if it’s worthwhile.

“I hope that this is just the first of many steps we take in looking at the way that we can be more environmentally responsible, and be leaders in this space.”

Cr Swan said the technology was in use in other countries and she believed this version of the technology was the one that would potentially be an option for Council.

Cr Swan and Cr Sally Townley said in their motion that Council had the responsibility to investigate all viable opportunities for new waste technologies.

“New processes and technologies are coming forward which use chemical reverse engineering to turn certain plastic ware to diesel,” they said.

“If feasibility studies indicate this is a suitable technology for Coffs Harbour it can potentially remove a significant waste stream and convert it to a usable product as well as potentially creating future income streams.”

Council’s General Manager Steve McGrath said this step was purely to gather some information so Council can further consider the issue.

“There is a range of things out there that I think Council need to take into consideration, so it’s very much at the information gathering stage at this stage,” Mr McGrath said.

Council resolved to request prospectus of the Eco-One – 5TPD plan from Eco Fuel Technology of their waste plastic to fuel technology concept, and upon receipt of this information, receive a staff report on the matter.

Councillors will attend a Council briefing about the broader issue of waste to energy on Tuesday, 10 November.



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