Coffs Harbour celebrates 50 years of Eisteddfods

Previous Executive Members – Lesley Burling, Margaret England, Carol Proctor, Dorothy Proctor, Lyn Coupe, Georgina Moy and Celma Coupe.

THE PASSION for performance over 50 years of song and dance, piano, instrumental and drama, was celebrated by Coffs Harbour Eisteddfod Society members past and present at Jetty Memorial Theatre on Saturday 9 July.

“The 50th celebrations event was a night of memories and excellent entertainment,” Debbie Waters, President of Coffs Harbour & District Eisteddfod President told News of The Area.

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“Our committee is grateful and extremely honoured to have had the community support for our 50th Celebrations from current and previous members, competitors and students.”

The night commenced with Champagne, canapes and viewings of all the previous committee members’ historical records and memorabilia displayed in the foyer, with photos depicting the activities of the past 50 years to reminisce over.

“Videos of support from previous competitors who have furthered their careers in their performing arts career were viewed as part of the programme, as well as photos from our archives.

“Patrons also enjoyed looking through our display of past programs, awards and trophies,” said Debbie.

Guests were welcomed by a string trio in the foyer from current students and competitors Marisol Taylor, Julius Taylor and Leo Jeffery.

The night’s theatre performances began with an Acknowledgement to Country by local Jalay Jalay dance troupe, “which was an honour”, said Debbie.

The audience then sat back and enjoyed an evening of live performances from dancers, piano and violin musicians, drama, vocal, “and even a choir from Christian Community School.

“It was truly a night to remember and a great success.

“We look forward to many more years and continuing to provide opportunities to students and the performing arts community of Coffs Harbour.”

MC Mike Haynes gave an insight to CHDE’s history and gave thanks to past presidents who were in attendance: Fiona Hulbert, Margaret England, Simon Chladil, Georgina Moy, David Metcalf and currently Debbie Waters.

Jye Ramsay was unable to attend.


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