QUAKERS from the Mid North Coast invite members of the Coffs Coast community who share a concern for action on the climate emergency facing the planet, to join in a Silent Walk for Climate Action on Palm Sunday, 10 April.
As we approach the coming election, the Quakers are calling on all political parties to commit Australia to meaningful action to reverse the looming disaster of climate change.

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This multi-faith and community event will start at the southern end of Coffs foreshores near the boat ramp at 10am for 10.30am start and finish at Park Beach Reserve with a minute of silent reflection at the circular paved area at the start of the jetty.
Quakers have a long tradition of silent meditation combined with a strong commitment to peace, social justice and non-violent resistance.
Moira Nolan, who initiated the walk said that Quakers have a long history of social action.
She said that Quakers have a number of ‘testimonies’ by which they bear witness to Truth, Equality, Peace, Community, Simplicity and Earth Care.
She said, “A meditative walk will be powerful for those walking and we want it to be open to the whole community.”
They say that silence will give walkers the opportunity to listen deeply and connect to “that of God in everyone” and to the spiritual care of the Earth.
They hope that, by walking in silence, participants will be able to listen and observe our natural environment and contemplate the urgent need for action to protect the planet from ongoing human impact.
At the end of the walk there will be a short address presented by Jason John who has a long involvement with matters related to climate change through a scientific and faith-based perspective.
Mid North Coast Quakers hope other like-minded members of the community will join them and share in common concern for a healthy and vibrant planet.
Placards and signs are welcome, but the organisers ask that they not be party political.
For further information phone Moira on 0417522295 or Elisabeth on 0400579426.
By Andrew VIVIAN