Coffs Boaties have a lot to celebrate

The club’s boat crew with sponsor Geoff King Motors.

COFFS Harbour Surf Life Saving Club’s Boaties are celebrating a lot at the moment; from a continued, generous sponsorship from Geoff King Motors, a great season in the boat and the Club’s upcoming Centenary Gala Night.

The Club’s five strong boat crews this season paid tribute to their sponsor Geoff King Motors.

“We have always been a big supporter of the Club, in particular in the boats,” said Paul King.

“And it’s great to see so many crews this season.”

It has been a busy few months for the rowers with crews training hard and juggling work and life commitments with patrols, crew training and competition.

The Open Men’s crew were given the opportunity to compete at three rounds of the Ocean Thunder Series held on the Northern Beaches of Sydney.

They competed against the best of the best in the country, coming away with priceless experiences that are invaluable to crew development and improvement.

In January, all five crews from the Coffs Club (Open Men’s, Reserve Men’s, U23 Women’s, Masters 160+
Men’s, and Masters 200+ Men’s) travelled to Cape Hawke for the NSW Country Championships with great success in some testing shore break conditions.

All crews brought home a medal contributing to the overall club point score total with the Open, Reserve and Masters 160+ Men’s all bringing home gold.

The final of the North Coast Boat Series was held on home turf last weekend at Park Beach in perfect conditions.

The Open, Reserve and Masters 160+ Men’s crews all took out their divisions and the club finished second overall in the club point score.

Attention is now on the crews’ last carnival of the season at the NSW State Championships at North Steyne.

The Masters 200+ Men’s crew is hoping to finish on a win to make it a dream finale for Club President Terry Maher who has declared his retirement from the sport at the age of 75.

This year also marks 100 years of the Coffs Harbour Surf Life Saving Club.

The Club welcomes all past and present members to celebrate 100 years of community service, comradery and fun times with a Gala Night at C.ex Coffs on Saturday 6 May from 6pm.

Tables are in formations of ten, so the Club is encouraging past members to get in touch with those who they were in the club with during the same era and come and reminisce, rekindle friendships, and tell tales that have grown taller.

Tickets can also be purchased individually and will be allocated a table.

Tickets include a two-course meal plus a celebratory cake, two drink vouchers plus entertainment.

Dress is smart casual and the event will take place at the Club’s major sponsor’s venue, the C.ex Group Coffs Harbour.

Tickets can be purchased at


This marks 100 Years of the Coffs Harbour Surf Life Saving Club.

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