Coastal waters to be protected by offshore drilling and mining legislation

LEGISLATION to prohibit sea bed petroleum and mineral exploration and recovery in NSW coastal waters will be introduced by the State Government.

The Bill will legislatively implement the Offshore Exploration and Mining Policy published in February 2022.

The Government says the legislation reaffirms its position of not supporting offshore mineral, coal or petroleum exploration or mining for commercial purposes in or adjacent to NSW coastal waters.

The Bill is designed to prevent environmental impacts that can result from offshore exploration and recovery of petroleum and minerals.

Minister for Climate Change and the Environment Penny Sharpe said an “overwhelming majority of people in NSW do not support offshore mining”.

“The passage of this Bill will give certainty that our government is prioritising environmental protection and our own local interests,” she said.

The Bill will amend the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to prohibit sea bed petroleum and mineral exploration and recovery in NSW coastal waters; and other development within the State for the purposes of sea bed petroleum and mineral exploration and recovery anywhere.

The prohibitions of the Bill do not extend to activities which may benefit the environment such as the recovery of sand for beach nourishment or beach scraping which are undertaken to help protect coastal areas from erosion.

Certain dredging activities could also continue, for example, to increase the depth of anchorages, remove sediments or pollutants, lay pipelines or submarine cables.

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