FOUR local lady bowlers have recently come into the spotlight.

Vicky Parkinson has just returned from WA where she represented NSW and Sharon Williams, Pam McIntosh and Delma Price came up trumps in taking out the Newcastle triples championship.
Vicki represented the state in the Multi Bowls (disability) titles and reached the semi finals, an outstanding achievement considering she had been playing for only 18 months.
“This would not have been possible had it not been for the support of Club Lemon Tree, the lady bowlers’ club and others,” she said.
Meanwhile, our triples team, playing as a trio for the first time in the Newcastle District Championships beat off entrants from as far afield as Alder Park, Tea Gardens, Raymond Terrace,Wallsend and Heaton over five matches to take out the title.
With fewer senior lady bowlers taking up the sport, bowling authorities are taking an innovative approach in actively encouraging young school age children to become involved.
They are offering coaching lessons and making their facilities available to schools. The results have been encouraging and have helped lawn bowls to shed the ‘old people’ image it is sometimes seen as.