Climb the career ladder with TAFE Summer Skills program

Sophie Madigan, 22, having completed a Certificate III in Commercial Cookery at TAFE is now employed by Madonna Bannerman at Two Tails Wines, Nana Glen.

SUMMER Skills is a collaboration between the NSW Government and TAFE NSW offering free training to people aged sixteen to 24 to gain the practical skills to launch a career or land a job for summer in high-demand industries, including hospitality, retail, beauty and farming.

Tourism Accommodation Australia CEO Michael Johnson, who heads up the nation’s peak body for the accommodation industry, welcomed the new fee-free courses and said, “The collaboration has been fantastic in what has been a very difficult time for industry.

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“They have provided great opportunities to design the training requirements we need now, both for existing workers and those just starting out.”

TAFE NSW Executive Director Education and Skills North Jason Darney said TAFE NSW was working closely with employers to deliver the skills needed to support a strong local economy.

“The Coffs Coast economy generated $3.66 billion in the last year”, said Jason.

“We know nine out of ten new jobs will require people to complete further study to build the skilled workforce we need to support continued economic growth.

“The Summer Skills Program links school leavers and young people directly with local job outcomes and encourages them to undertake further study to explore careers in high-demand industries,” he said.

TAFE NSW Coffs Harbour Education Campus will offer free Summer Skills courses to gain Statement of Attainment in Bar Skills, Cosmetic Tanning Products, Commercial Cookery, Espresso Coffee, Hairdressing, and Farm Welding, as well as a range of online courses in hospitality skills, customer service, and cybersecurity.

Hayley Fischer, aged eighteen, enjoyed accomplishing hairdressing techniques and gaining a Certificate III in Hairdressing at TAFE NSW Coffs Harbour Education Campus earlier this year.

“I started my apprenticeship after finishing year 10 and am fully qualified.

“Watching my friends transition to the real world after school, I was already ahead of the game, working towards my career,” said Hayley.

“Studying at TAFE NSW and doing an apprenticeship helped me learn the practical skills for my job that I can take anywhere, but also taught me really important life skills to make the successful transition to the workplace.”

22-year-old Sophie Madigan said she’s stepped into work feeling prepared to take on the responsibilities required of the role after completing a Certificate III in Commercial Cookery at TAFE NSW Coffs Harbour Education Campus earlier this year, starting work at Two Tails Winery in Nana Glen.

“What I learned at TAFE NSW Coffs Harbour gave me the practical skills to work at an award-winning family-owned boutique vineyard, when many people my age don’t know where to start, and put me ahead of my peers,” Sophie said.

“Studying at TAFE NSW has given me a major leg up in the world of hospitality and wine, but also taught me how to integrate my personal and practical skills I learnt at TAFE NSW into the world of work.”


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