THE Community Builders Program has been making waves across Dungog Shire and Stroud over the past 12 months, inspiring residents to think critically about what it means to build a strong and thriving community.
The program is now entering its next phase, and locals are invited to take part in shaping their towns through a series of Community Opportunity Workshops (COWs).

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Facilitated by renowned community development expert Peter Kenyon from the Bank of Ideas and sponsored by Rural Aid, these workshops have already given residents of Dungog, Vacy and Stroud a platform to voice their ideas, concerns, and aspirations.
Upcoming workshops will be held in Clarence Town and Paterson.
Clarence Town’s COW is set to take place on Thursday 27 March from 5.30pm at Clarence Town Bowling Club.
The local task team, led by Sacha Anderson and Trudy Balstad, encourages everyone to attend.
“The more voices and perspectives we have, the more dynamic and cohesive our community vision will be.” Ms Anderson said.
“Everyone from long term residents, newcomers, parents, young people, teenagers, parents, community members, retirees, business owners, employees, farmers and children are all welcome to the conversation.”
Key topics will include economic development, culture and arts, tourism, youth engagement, the environment, agriculture, aged care and more.
Some ideas generated so far include: town sculptures and arts events; cinema and outdoor movie nights; improved waste management; expanding sports offerings; childcare and vacation care; revamped street signage and town welcome gateways; expanding community gardens; creative workshop hub; initiatives to keep seniors in their homes longer; music and cultural festivals; horse trails and events; bike trails and mountain bike tracks; playgrounds and landscaped parks.
The local task team is also connecting with local schools.
Student workshops will be held with Peter and Steph on Wednesday 26 March to engage young people in the community building dialogue.
An exhibition of “BIG IDEA” artworks from students at Clarence Town and Glen William public schools, along with local homeschool students and pre-schoolers, will be showcased at the COW event.
Feedback from the meetings will help the local task team to work with Rural Aid to develop a ‘Community Action Plan’ for the town.
“This is a community-led initiative which will be backed by up to $10000 of seed funding from Rural Aid to commence one of our top identified priority community projects,” Ms Anderson said.
To book your spot, visit TryBooking and search for Clarence Town Community Opportunity Workshop.
A free light dinner will be provided at the start of the evening.
While the event is free to attend, RSVPs are essential for catering purposes.
“This is a very child friendly event, so bring the whole tribe along; there will be activities set up for the kids.”