City of Coffs Harbour and State MP remain at odds over Jetty Foreshores

The City and the State Government have differing views about the Jetty Foreshores redevelopment. Photo: City of Coffs Harbour.

THE City of Coffs Harbour (Council) has resolved to present the NSW Government with a proposal to acquire land at the Jetty Foreshores for the Coffs Harbour community.

City of Coffs Harbour Mayor Paul Amos put forward a Mayoral Minute on the proposal at the Council’s 9 November meeting, which was discussed and subsequently endorsed by councillors.

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The proposal includes an offer to purchase the Jetty Foreshores land at the City’s recently obtained market valuation, as well as the offer of 2,000 m2 of Council-owned land in the CBD to enable the NSW Government to develop key worker or affordable housing.

Cr Amos said the proposal would deliver a win-win for the government and the community if the NSW Government accepts it.

“This proposal aligns with the NSW Government’s commitment to keep state government land in public ownership,” Cr Amos said.

“It’s an opportunity for the NSW Government to enable what a large section of the community wants to see happen at the Foreshores.

“It also means economic development could happen where it’s best suited at the precinct, and it would see the end of decades-long uncertainty about this vital open space for our community.”

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh, however, was less than impressed with Council’s resolution.

Mr Singh said the decision would “stall the Jetty Foreshores revitalisation”, describing it as “another kick in the guts for local residents who want our wonderful city to progress”.

“This decision to offer up to the NSW Government two quarter-acre blocks in Gordon St in exchange for land at the Jetty Foreshores is laughable,” he said.

“City of Coffs Harbour has no plans or funding for the rejuvenation of the Jetty Foreshores, which means opportunities for our city to progress and prosper may be lost for another decade at least.”

Mr Singh said the overwhelming majority of residents who took part in an “extensive consultation process” supported the draft Jetty Foreshores Masterplan and he urged the NSW Government to continue with this process.

City of Coffs Harbour General Manager Natalia Cowley responded, saying Mr Singh’s comments to the media did not accurately reflect the full resolution endorsed by Council in relation to the Jetty Foreshores land.

She said the City is offering to purchase the Jetty Foreshores land from the NSW Government at its full market valuation and, in addition, is offering 2,000 square metres of Council-owned land in the CBD for the NSW Government to use for key worker or affordable housing.

By Andrew VIVIAN

One thought on “City of Coffs Harbour and State MP remain at odds over Jetty Foreshores

  1. Both Parties are ludicrous. Nationals you have made enough mistakes. Neither Parties have carried out thorough Community consultation, or listened to the majority of rate payers. A number of streets have no footpaths and are poorly lit. I could go on with a number of issues being neglected. Greed is driving these 2 parties sadly it’s not just common sense.

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