Christmas Eve firetruck tour continues long-held Myall Coast tradition

Kids and families waited patiently at the Santa Stop on Captains Cove.

SANTA Claus made his annual firetruck tour of the towns of Pindimar, Bundabah, Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest on Christmas Eve, upholding a long-held tradition loved by all.

His visit was facilitated by the volunteers of the Pindimar/Tea Gardens Rural Fire Service, giving the elves and reindeer the day off before their big night.

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This year, only the second such outing since COVID, the local volunteer brigade utilised two vehicles and mapped a pre-planned set of ‘Santa Stops’ to help keep kids safe.

“It was great to see people mostly sticking to those Stops, as these trucks are big machines to manoeuvre around the streets,” Brigade Captain David Bright told News Of The Area.

Santa’s traditional attire was, perhaps, not entirely appropriate for the 30 degree-plus heat but a prevailing wind from the south helped.

Residents and visitors on the day could follow Santa’s progress in real time via a Glympse tracker link, which was posted on the PTG RFS Facebook page.

By special request, Santa detoured to include a visit to residents and their visiting family members within the Grange, Palm Lake Resort, Estia and Peter Sinclair Gardens complexes, many of whom were visibly happy to see Santa again.

Positive comments streamed into the Brigade’s Facebook page, thanking it for bringing Santa around, and many declaring this to be their favourite Christmas Eve tradition.

Some brigade members have been involved in the run for decades, while some of the younger members can vividly remember being tossed lollies from Santa back when they were kids.

While Santa may make the big visit, the lollies and the run are funded entirely by the PTG RFS Brigade.

The volunteers put in the time to decorate the trucks and make the all-day run around the four towns out of their own generosity.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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