Christmas cheer in high supply at Valla Beach

Rachael Wrobel, Aria Wrobel and Michelle Wrobel.

A WONDERFUL evening of Christmas spirit was shared by the community at the Valla Beach Carols on Friday 9 December.

While rain threatened, it didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of either the crowd or performers.

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The event was broadcast live on 2NVR Nambucca Valley Radio 105.9FM and streamed worldwide.

Organisers offered special thanks to volunteers of the Lions Club of Valla and the Valla Beach Rural Fire Service, who kept a watchful eye on proceedings and had the most interesting vehicle in the car park.

The event was hosted by the team behind the Valla Beach Community Markets, a part of the Valla Beach Community Association.

Event MC Ceri Wrobel told News Of The Area, “We were entertained by the Nambucca District Band and the Bowraville Theatre Singers.

“Children’s activities were offered by Kerri Mergan and Sally Townley.

“Santa visited to the delight of the children, with the night culminating in fire twirling.”

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