Choices, choices, not all opponents anti progress

DEAR News of the Area,

Gurmesh Singh continues to characterise all opponents of the State Government’s plan for the foreshores as an anti-progress brigade incapable of constructive input.

Every single letter writer in last week’s NOTA taking issue with Gurmesh declared their desire to see the foreshores creatively developed as quality public space, including landscaping and built amenities.

The sticking point for everyone (as Gurmesh well knows) is his government’s proposal to develop private apartments on land east of the railway line presently zoned for public recreation.

For the government to persist in this wilful misinterpretation of the facts to advance its own ends is an insult to thousands of concerned Coffs citizens.

As for the effect of their proposal on tourism, what are visitors more likely to come to Coffs to see – a world class coastal park integrated into and enhancing the life of a growing community, or another row of glassy apartments for rich retirees fronted by a tastefully-landscaped nature strip?

Coffs Harbour.

One thought on “Choices, choices, not all opponents anti progress

  1. Sadly, conservative politicians have no concept of diversity other than quick dollars and dull constructions.

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