Chilly conditions don’t deter North Haven Boardriders from club comp

Father and daughter Dave and Siena Milner after enjoying a few waves together on Sunday morning.

SURFERS surfers embraced brisk thirteen-degree weather to participate in the monthly meet of the North Haven Boardriders Club on Sunday 19 May.

Despite the chill in the air, the surfers enjoyed good offshore conditions and a three-foot swell, making for an exciting competition.

The event saw 40 entrants taking to the waves, contributing to a vibrant atmosphere as surfers and spectators alike gathered to enjoy the morning.

The competition was fierce across all grades, with standout performances in each category.

In the A Grade division, Sean Cummins claimed the top spot, showcasing his skill and composure.

Mitch Proudfoot emerged victorious in the B Grade division, while Daniel Blanch triumphed in C Grade.

Club Vice President Luke Martin expressed his satisfaction with the event.

“Another successful comp with an unreal turnout with great weather and waves,” Luke told News Of The Area.

Mr Martin also extended his gratitude to the competition’s monthly sponsor, JB Constructions, for their continued support.

The North Haven Boardriders Club continues to foster a strong community spirit, with each meet offering an opportunity for local surfers to test their skills and enjoy the camaraderie of the local surfing community.


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