Charity day for Hawks Nest Ladies Golf

1. Winners: Marguerite Miller, Wendy Gibson, Deb Matheson and Marg Bonney.

HAWKS Nest Golf Club ladies turned out in both fine form and lots of colour for their annual ‘Pink and Teal Charity Day’ a 4 Person Ambrose event this week, with over 60 ladies enjoying a fun round of golf in lovely sunshine on our fabulously prepared course.

Ladies President, Annette Benton proudly announced that over $2,000 had been raised to be divided between their two special charities Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Awareness.

The Hawks Nest ladies have in recent years been keenly supporting both of these charities after sadly losing dear friends to both of these diseases in the past.

Team winners on the day were Marg Bonney, Marguerite Miller, Debbie Matheson and Wendy Gibson with a score of 49.5.

Runners up were Ann Morris, Annie Scott, Cheryl Foster and Donna O’Brien, with 3rd place being Trish Sattler, Sue Raine, Maxine Mitchell and Christine Simmons.

Well done ladies, it was great to see so much fun, colour and frivolity on this special golf day.

Club professional Andrew McCormack was in his glory taking gold coins from the ladies and lapping up the fun to tee off the 18th over the dam and landing them closer to the green.

Even head greenkeeper Ben Mills and his team excelled in ‘designing’ a fun and challenging 16th green with hilarious props and a coil of hose around the pin.

Well done lads, the ladies truly appreciate the extra time and energy you all put into making their golfing days so interesting, fun and successful.

The Clubs office staff and Fionas Café even got into the spirit of the day wearing colourful head creations.

Although it was somewhat disappointing we didn’t get to see a rerun of outgoing GM Greg Acret in his pink tu-tu this year.

Even the Tuesday Men’s Veterans players got into the action by generously donating into the charity bucket to boost the day’s tally – thank you gents.

The ladies committee convey their heartfelt thanks to the kind local businesses who generously donated towards the lovely raffle on the day – and to all who helped in making it such a fun and successful day- thank you.


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