Chamber of Commerce look to bring Parkrun to Dungog

Parkrun is a free, community event where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate. Photo: Parkrun.

PLANNING is underway to establish a regular “Parkrun” in Dungog.

Held across Australia and in more than 20 countries globally, Parkruns are generally held on Saturday mornings and involve attendees completing a set five kilometre track.

“Parkrun is a free, community event where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate,” the Parkrun website states.

Mayor Digby Rayward has been working closely with the Dungog & District Chamber of Commerce in recent weeks. with a view to setting up a Parkrun in Dungog.

“The Chamber and the Mayor are keen drivers of this and the collaboration between these two positive forces looks like coming to fruition with our Dungog Parkrun hoping to kick off – or should we say run off – under the auspice of the local Chamber, with backing from locals to form a support group within the Shire,” said Chamber President Therese McIntyre.

“Location is still to be finalised, however the site at Abbotts Flat is looking like it ticks all the boxes.”

The Chamber is now beginning the process of setting up a steering committee of volunteers.

“You don’t have to be runners, you can just be a supporter or a casual participant, even a timekeeper or other type of marshal,” Ms McIntyre said.

“The committee, once formed, will explore the feasibility to get the Parkrun established and how to go about it to ensure not only success, but longevity.”

If you are interested in getting involved, email

Mayor Digby Rayward is throwing his support behind the concept.

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