CEX Woolgoolga Ladies Bowls

The winning team of E Nielsen, S Goodsir and V O’Brien.


ON Monday 19 October: Woolgoolga Ladies had a carnival of two bowl triples, where all of the clubs in the district came together, from Macksville and Nambucca.

We had 16 teams in total.

The format was 5 one hour games that start and end on the bell, no jack rolling this was placed by the skips.

Apart from the rain and the wind, the players really liked the concept.

Prize money for 1st to 4th place.

Woolgoolga teams came first (E Nielsen team) and second (H Dunbar team), third (L Kaufmann team) and fifth (CEX Coffs M Buckleys team).

Tuesday 20 October: a pairs and a triples game.

F Streeter, D Porta (D) J Lynn, W Bracher. S Sweeney, J Hampstead, M Short (D) S Sweeney. S Bracher, H Dunbar
Thursday 22 October.

We played one game of three bowl triples and one of three bowl pairs, J Hampstead, M Short (D) N Haines, E Nielsen.. S Sweeney, L Fairhall, H Dunbar (D) S Sweeney, S Bracher, W Bracher.

The winners for the day were S Sweeney, L Fairhall, H Dunbar.

Twilight Bowls on Thursday 15 October

The winners were determined on highest scores on random ends. Rink 2 M Hodge, V Valentine (V) R Shaw, B Merchant. Rink 3 J Lynn, S Sweeney (V) C Mitchell, S Bailey, Rink 4 F Bennell, T Allan (V) D Hodge, R Ryan. Rink 5 J Gibbins, R Bennell (V) S Bracher, D Valentine.

Rink 6 J Keegan, B Parker (V) N Lynn, S Rodham. Rink 7 M Campos, C Campos (V) B Richards, J Merchant.




H Dunbar, J Hampstead and N Haines.

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