Cex Coffs Bowls Club

THE final of our Club Pairs was played between Di De La Cruz and Joan Griffin against Ardis Ellsmore and Angela Fryer. Ardis and Angela made a great start but Di and Joan soon caught up and the scoring was ‘shot for shot’ through the remainder of the game. The final score after 21 ends was 17 all. This called for a tie breaker with Ardis and Angela coming through with three winning bowls. Congratulations Ardis and Angela, and Di and Joan – some fabulous bowls played and a great game to watch, kept everyone on the edge of their seats!!

Also got some social games played through January, despite the hot, humid weather.

Tuesday 7th January: Rosemary Williams, Angela Fryer, Sue Wilson d Rosemary Williams(s), Robyn Groundwater, Jeanette Kutz 18-8; Chris Irvine, Di De La Cruz d Joan Griffin, Mary Buckley 22-5.

Thursday 9th January: Angela Fryer, Mary Buckley d Jeanette Kutz, Joan Griffin 26-16; Robyn Groundwater, Di De La Cruz d Rosemary Williams, Jan Appleton 18-10.

Tuesday 14th January: Sue Wilson, Dot Heron d Rosemary Williams, Di De La Cruz 14-11; Chris Irvine, Jeanette Kutz, Mary Buckley d Chris Irvine(s), Graham Cowell, Jan Appleton 28-9.

Thursday 16th January: Joan Griffin, Di De La Cruz d Ardis Ellsmore, Mary Buckley 18-10; Robyn Groundwater, Sue Wilson d Rosemary Williams, Jeanette Kutz 12-9.

Tuesday 21st January: Beryl Foster, Chris Irvine, Graham Cowell d Viv Gayford, John Agst, Rosemary Williams 22-8; Ardis Ellsmore, Jeanette Kutz d Angela Fryer, Jan Appleton 18-13.

Tuesday 28th January: Chris Irvine, Graham Cowell d Margaret Stock, Sue Wilson 10-7; Viv Gayford, Jeanette Kutz v Jen Armstrong, Robyn Groundwater 8-6.

Thursday 30th January: Joc Landrey, Jan Appleton d Jen Armstrong 19-12;Beryl Foster, Ardis Ellsmore. Jeanette Kutz d Margaret Stocks, Robyn Groundwater, Di De La Cruz 26-22.


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