Caswell Reserve Mallabula the target for continued vandalism

The torched bins at Caswell Reserve.


CASWELL Reserve, Mallabula, has always been the target of vandals with the old amenities block being constantly trashed.

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On numerous occasions, tiles were ripped off, doors smashed from their hinges and fires lit inside.

That’s changed now with the new, relocated modern facility being brightly lit and erected closer to the watchful eyes of neighbours.

Arson is still a problem however with torched garbage bins and picnic tables, particularly late at night on a weekend.

Fires have also been lit along the foreshore boardwalk and on the decking of the viewing platform at Billy’s Beach.

Residents are asked to note details of cars parked in the area late at night and to take down their number plates and report them to police.

Two decorative high quality bins were recently torched at a replacement cost to the ratepayer of $4000.

On top of this, Council’s insurers have forked out countless thousands of dollars over recent years to rebuild burnt out sections of boardwalk.


The replaced bins at the Reserve.

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