Cassell leading Greens team into September council elections

The Greens team of candidates hope to “future proof” Coffs Harbour. Photo: supplied.

COUNCILLOR Jonathan Cassell will contest the upcoming Mayoral election for the Greens, stating his desire to “future proof” Coffs Harbour against social and environmental challenges.

“I’m standing for Mayor to champion a clean and green future-proofed Coffs Harbour,” Mr Cassell told NOTA.

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Greens MP Sue Higginson joined Mr Cassell and his six-member team at the Jetty Foreshores on Saturday to announce the party’s ticket for the September 14 local government election.

Timothy Nott, Elaine Sherwood, Renee Gerlach, Olivier La Mer Adair and Lisa Holley complete the local Greens team.

“I’d love to see the City step up its efforts to benefit our community and its environment,” Mr Cassell said.

“The cost-of-living crisis is impacting many in our community and I would like to see Council do more, which it can do by investing in community planner jobs.”

Mr Cassell, who was first elected to Council in 2021, said as Mayor he would champion a “strategic collaboration between economic and community planning outcomes”.

“I would like to see skilled planners, who care about our community and understand the cost-of-living crisis, foster community networks and deliver policy outcomes for affordable housing, corporate sustainability, disability and age-friendly programs.

“But planners who understand climate change as a threat-multiplier is also what we need.”

With a climate emergency upon us, Mr Cassell said Council must “ramp up planning efforts to adapt and future-proof Coffs Harbour”.

“Coffs’ population has grown to 82,000 today from around 18,000 in 1970, and in fifteen years it’s expected to be 106,000.

“With coastal flooding our biggest challenge is how we are planning for impacts to critical infrastructure such as the airport, hospital, roads and sewage treatment plant, all found in low lying areas.”

The Greens councillor also spoke to the importance of keeping the Jetty Foreshores in public hands and “beautifying the city”.

Ms Higginson, a former public interest environmental lawyer, said “it’s time” for a Greens mayor in Coffs Harbour.

“The incredible natural values of the Coffs Harbour area and dedicated community deserve real representation and advocacy.

“The community-led leadership by Greens Councillor and Mayoral candidate Jonathan Cassell demonstrates the benefits of having genuine community representation.

“The wider Coffs community, economy and nature are not in competition.

“Real leadership understands that the right policy settings deliver for all three and that a safe and secure environment is the cornerstone for both the community and the economy.”

By Andrew VIVIAN

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