Caring for the carers: Nambucca Heads Everlasting Carers Support Group

Carer Rosemary Porter, competition winner Braxton Atkins, Zeny Paraiso-Ward, carer Fran Bishop

THE Zeny’s House of Photography charity Baby Photo Competition recently raised $700 for the Nambucca Heads Everlasting Carers Support Group.

Carers Rosemary Porter and Fran Bishop were all smiles when Baby Competition winner Braxton Atkins and business owner Zeny Paraiso-Ward presented the cheque.

In the background, Bev Reedy, coordinator of the volunteer run Nambucca Heads Everlasting Carers Support Group, was also smiling.

“I want to thank the community from the bottom of my heart,” Bev said.

“Thank you to all the parents who entered their bubs into the competition.

“This money is going to mean a lot to the carers.

“I’m planning a Relaxation Day, which is not something that carers get to do much.”

News of the Area spoke with Ms Porter about her role as a carer, a role that has seen her relocate to Nambucca Heads so that she can care for her elderly parents.

Ms Porter shared how her mum fell and broke her clavicle, followed shortly after by her dad needing to receive radiation for skin cancer and then having a fall himself.

Ms Porter then went to a local care facility to organise some respite care for her parents and broke down owing to being overwhelmed by the paperwork and lack of support she was feeling.

She then called Bev Reedy for help, having recently found the Everlasting Carers Support Group, and was offered support to help her through a hard time.

Ms Reedy organised for Ms Porter to receive assistance with the paperwork, provided gentle advice, and in this way took a little of the hardship away.

Ms Reedy said, “We want to offer carers assistance to access programs and information that will help them.

“We want to help and work to share ideas for what the group should be doing, and offer a safe supportive space.”

Carer Fran Bishop has only recently joined the group, and has done so to connect with others.

Ms Bishop has been caring for her husband, who has dementia, for nine years.

Originally from overseas, neither Ms Bishop or her husband have family close by to ask for help.

“I have joined the group because I feel that I need to talk to other carers about their problems.

“Also I have joined for the company.

“I miss adult conversation.“

The Everlasting Carers Support Group is located at HealthOne NSW, 4 Fred Brain Avenue, Newville, Nambucca Heads.

Meetings: First Tuesday of the month from 10am-12pm and the third Tuesday of the month from 12pm-2pm.

Contact on Bev 0265694337.

Meetings cost $4 to help support the group.


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