Camden Haven locals pitch-in as the rainy weather proves ‘picture perfect’ Camden Haven by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 15, 2025 Wyn Espie and his crew helped remove uprooted trees from powerlines around Ballina. IT WAS almost enough to blow a dog off its lead but the predicted wild weather spared much of the Camden Haven. Ex-tropical Cyclone Alfred’s go-slow and expert preparation by the area’s emergency services ensured that the mostly low-level flooding was contained. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – It also meant locals could assist in badly affected areas further north. Arborist Wyn Espie of Espie Arb Tree Services helped Essential Energy restore power around Ballina. “It was pretty gnarly up there,” he told the News Of The Area. “Basically I was going through getting trees off the powerlines, and removing trees that had been uprooted.” There was minimal tree damage around the Camden Haven area, which was clearly welcomed by the diverse birdlife that came out to play in the rain. Local photographer Ivanka Feher captured dozens of brightly coloured birds enjoying the water. “I love going out on an adventure to see what wildlife comes out just after heavy rain or a storm,” she told NOTA. “Between the rain on Tuesday, I ventured out and got to see so many bird species out and about including the Buff Banded Rails having a little chick; a Sacred Kingfisher having a feed on a crab, a very curious Scaly-breasted Lorikeet and the family of five Ospreys enjoying a feed of mullet. “I recommend taking walks along our rivers, you never know what you will find and it’s just so peaceful.” Photographer Adam Dederer also checked out the local rivers during a day-long “waterfall adventure”. He shared spectacular photos of Waitui Falls in the Coorabakh National Park after a day that also took in the much larger Ellenborough Falls near Comboyne. “Both waterfalls exhibited a healthy flow of fresh water,” he said. For all its beauty, nature can also be a little scary after heavy rain, with some locals sharing their unwelcome visitors. “Just a heads up to check your boots and anything else on the ground,” Jodi Harvey shared on Facebook after snapping a venomous male funnel-web taking refuge in her home. “This guy was in our bathroom this morning (Laurieton). I’m assuming to get out of the rain.” By Sue STEPHENSON Adam Dederer shared this handheld long exposure image of Waitui Falls. Photo: Instagram @DedererLive. Good weather for ducks. Photographer Ivanka Feher captured the Camden Haven’s birds at play after the rain. This male funnel-web was an unwelcome visitor to a Laurieton home. Wings up! Ella the Cavoodle almost took flight during the windy weather.