Camden Haven High School host Girls in STEM Breakfast Camden Haven by News Of The Area - Modern Media - December 13, 2024 Samantha Kirkwood and Alisha Cooper led group discussions, sharing their personal insights with the students. CAMDEN Haven High School (CHHS) is attempting to inspire female students to explore opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) professions. The school’s Girls in STEM Breakfast welcomed three former CHHS alumni – Samantha Kirkwood, Charlotte Cable and Alisha Cooper – back to the classroom on Tuesday, 3 December. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – Samantha Kirkwood, a former Dux of CHHS, shared her journey as a Research Engineer with High Earth Orbit Robotics, captivating the audience with tales of her work. After completing her studies in environmental engineering, Charlotte Cable now works as a Sustainable Investment Analyst for the Future Group, demonstrating the diverse paths available within the field of STEM. Equally impressive was Alisha Cooper’s story. Alisha’s love of robotics inspired both her university studies and her current career path as a Biomedical Engineer for SC Medical. After taking questions from students, Samantha and Alisha shared with the crowd their most valuable insight. “University provides you with a really exciting opportunity to be able to go out into the world and find out who you are and what you want to do,” said Samantha. “It is a place to discover your passions and potential. “And the opportunities are limitless.” Alisha reminded the students that change is a natural part of life and that it is okay to explore different paths before finding the right one for you. “Nothing is ever final,” said Alisha. “You can change your mind over 100 times and you will still end up on your feet. “There is a great big world out there just waiting for you to explore it.” CHHS teacher and event organiser James Langley expressed his hope that the journeys of Samantha, Charlotte and Alisha, would inspire his current cohort of female students to both break down barriers and explore different career avenues. “There’s a lot of talk these days about interesting more girls in STEM-based activities and career opportunities,” said Mr Langley. “What better way to inspire than through the personal experiences of our former students. “CHHS has a long and successful history with both our STEM and Robotics programs, but we can always do more to ensure these activities offer inclusiveness, inspiring our next generation of female engineers.” By Kim AMBROSE Samantha Kirkwood, Charlotte Cable (via video link) and Alisha Cooper returned to the classroom to explore STEM opportunities with current students. Camden Haven High School teacher Mr James Langley with Samantha Kirkwood and Alisha Cooper.