Camden Haven emergency services join statewide boating exercise Camden Haven Camden Haven News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 14, 2025 The contingent of 80 SES, RFS and Marine Rescue personnel. THE Camden Haven State Emergency Service (SES) unit joined more than 800 emergency service personnel in Australia’s largest simultaneous boating exercise on Saturday, 8 February. Held on rivers and lakes statewide in 80 locations, the NSW SES-led “Who let the boats out” event helps strengthen vital skills for on-water flood rescue and support operations. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – The Camden Haven SES, headed up by Caz Dobson, invited local Rural Fire Service and Marine Rescue units to participate, in an effort to improve understanding and relationships between emergency services crews. A total of eighty volunteers took part locally. Exercises included flood rescue, a man-overboard simulation, first aid, rescuing a distressed person, land search, and communication via computer and handheld devices. “Everyone worked so well together, with respect for the chain of command,” SES Unit commander Caz Dobson told NOTA. “I was so impressed by how our training paid off with everyone knowing what to do and when to do it.” Four members of the local SES unit were deployed on Saturday to flood ravaged Far North Queensland, flying out after the training exercise. “Just another example of the commitment from our wonderful volunteers,” Commander Dobson told NOTA. By Bill HARROW A man-overboard simulation. A flood rescue training drill. Volunteers simulate providing first aid for a victim.