C.ex Coffs Bowls Club

Winners were Jeanette Kutz and Jan Appleton. They proudly received the “President Pairs Perpetual Trophy” originally donated by Doreen Watts in 2005.

A BEAUTIFUL day for our last Championship of the year, the President Pairs. An early start was made to beat the heat with some exciting games being played and a difference of two points between first and second teams. The final winners were Jeanette Kutz and Jan Appleton and they proudly received the “President Pairs Perpetual Trophy” originally donated by Doreen Watts in 2005, a past President and player with C.ex Coffs Bowls. Congratulations Jan and Jeanette. Our Annual Presentation day will be held this week and that will officially bring our 2023 playing year to an end. President Pairs Results: Jeanette Kutz, Jan Appleton 74; Rosemary Williams, Di De La Cruz 72; Angela Fryer, Brenda Fane 53; Joce Landrey, Robyn Groundwater 31; Laine Down, Mary Buckley 7; Jo Burgess, Sue Wilson 6. C.ex Coffs Bowls Club


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