Buy My Wardrobe back at Festival
MYALL RIVER FESTIVAL: The Pearls behind ‘Buy My Wardrobe’.


ONE of the most popular attractions at last year’s Myall River Festival, was the ‘Buy My Wardrobe’ charity fundraiser.

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Well, the good news is that it will be back at this year’s Festival on Saturday 13 October and the organisers are already planning for the event and want the community to do the same.

‘The Pearls’, the group behind the initiative, is calling on the community to start cleaning out their wardrobes and put aside some of their unwanted clothing and accessories for a couple of months.

“Around July we’ll have some drop off points,” Kerry Patterson told News Of The Area.

Kerry also wants to assure the community that any left over items after the Myall River Festival will still be donated to worthy causes.

“The clothes we don’t sell on the day will be donated to the Pindimar Market Day as well as the local op shops so everyone’s a winner,” Kerry said.

Since ‘The Pearls’ came into being 4 years ago, they’ve donated nearly $10,000 to community groups and charities.

Last years ‘Buy My Wardrobe’ initiative raised over $2,000 which was donated to Harry’s House in Stockton.

The charity provides a home away from home for families that have a child living with cancer and to families grieving the loss of their child to cancer within the past 2 years.

The Pearls are also planning to stage a fashion parade of pre-loved clothes at the Myall River Festival to show off the amazing bargains to be had by visiting ‘Buy My Wardrobe’.



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