Business Showcase: Meet Stockton local Vera Redman

Vera lived for 75 years in Queen Street before moving to Moran Stockton.

“I WAS born in Stockton, married in Stockton and I am still here,” long time Stockton resident and centenarian (102) Vera Redman said, explaining that she lived in the same house in Queen Street for 75 years before moving to Moran Stockton (formerly Stockton Westcott) in 2017.

Vera met her late husband Jim in her teens, they were both keen on playing tennis and enjoyed dancing.

They married at age 20 and she says they were blessed to have celebrated over 50 married years together, two children Jill and Peter, four grandchildren, eight great grandchildren and one great great grandchild.

Vera and Jim spent many happy years playing bowls at Stockton Bowling Club where Vera later became a Patron. Vera’s interests have included playing tennis and bowling.

She was also a very talented knitter and made beautiful hand knitted clothing items for family and friends.
Her baby shawls always featured very fine and intricate designs.

Vera also made and donated Hug Me Tights ( for premature babies.

Vera has very fond memories working in the local milk bar opposite the Theatre in Stockton.

Always community minded Vera spent over 25 years volunteering at Stockton Wescott which was later to become her home.

Through her volunteering she hosted lifestyle activities, morning teas and enjoyed one on one time with residents.
She says that by the time she was ready for aged care she knew exactly where she wanted to be and didn’t hesitate to move into the home that was already a big part of her life.

Just recently Vera moved into one of the newly refurbished rooms at Moran Stockton.

“I am thrilled with my beautiful new room, I feel like I have won the lottery. I absolutely love it,” Vera said.

These days Vera, who is always immaculately dressed and is bright as a button, can reveal the secrets for a long and healthy life.

“I have never smoked, or drunk alcohol and I like to keep busy and have fun.”

Although Vera suffers from macular degeneration, she doesn’t let that stop her doing the things that give her joy.

She is a regular participant in the lifestyle activities on offer at Moran Stockton and enjoys the many photos of family and friends on display in her room.

If you would like to know more about Residential Aged Care at Moran Stockton, please call for a chat on 02 4907 1300.

If you are interested in joining Moran Stockton as a team member, visit

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A young Vera was a keen tennis player and dancer.

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