Business Professional Women Calls For Scholarship Applications From Women In Tertiary Study

The 2019 Maude Spielvogel scholarship winner, Bronwyn Harrison-Roser (centre).


BUSINESS Professional Women (BPW) Coffs Harbour, is calling for applications for its annual scholarships.

There were no awards last year because of COVID-19.

The scholarships are available to all females who reside in the Coffs Coast area, which encompasses the local government areas of Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca.

Applicants will be in the final year of study at tertiary level for a Diploma, Degree or higher qualification.

They will have had a gap between secondary schooling and tertiary study and will have overcome disadvantage and/or adversity and/or challenges in order to study.

The Maude Spielvogel scholarship is for $1250 and the Wendy Martin Education Encouragement Award is for $750.
Applications close Friday, the 28th of May, 2021.

Further details and applications can be obtained by emailing


By Andrew VIVIAN

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