Bushfire prevention program takes to the skies

A helicopter on a bushfire prevention patrol.

TRANSGRID has launched its annual bushfire prevention program, including helicopter inspections and 3D laser scanning, to ensure the safe operation of the transmission network in the lead-up to next summer.

LiDAR inspections by plane are underway across parts of the network and will wrap up in March, with helicopter inspections to follow in coming months.

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“Our priority is to protect the safety of landowners, communities and our people and we take the risk of bushfires very seriously and do everything we can to reduce potential risks,” Executive General Manager of Network Marie Jordan said.

“Our transmission lines have been safely operating for decades, and we are committed to ensuring they continue to do so for many years to come as they are a critical piece of the clean energy transition.

“Transgrid’s network includes more than 13,000km of transmission lines – the equivalent of travelling from Sydney to Perth four times – and we inspect it every year to ensure a high level of preparedness ahead of the summer bushfire season.

“Every year our team plans this program carefully so we can ensure it is as effective as possible to reduce bushfire risk and potential impacts to local communities.”

The program includes a 3D laser aerial survey of easements across the entire Transgrid network using LiDAR technology to identify vegetation growing too close to transmission lines; helicopter inspections to physically assess the condition of structures and lines; and on-the-ground teams carrying out network maintenance and addressing potential vegetation encroachments to reduce bushfire risks.

Helicopter inspections are scheduled for Newcastle and the Hunter from 12-17 June.

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