Bulahdelah students commemorate Remembrance Day

Back Row (L-R) Ruby Roberts, Angus Shepherd, Caily Aberhart. Front Row (L-R) Scarlet Ray, Tyeisha Cook, Polly Sullivan, Toby Dixon, Maggie Cunich, Aiden Waters, James Conroy and Bethany Hestelow.

EVERY year at 11am on 11 November – the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we pause to remember all those who have served in defence of our nation and the sacrifices made in wars and peacekeeping operations.

This year, Bulahdelah Central School students were honoured to take part in the community Remembrance Day Commemoration at the Bulahdelah Cenotaph.

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Bethany Hestelow and Scarlet Ray gave the Acknowledgement of Country and School Captains Maggie Cunich, Toby Dixon and Polly Sullivan recited Flanders Fields.

Members of the Student Representative Council laid wreaths in honour of the fallen and formed a guard of honour at the flags.

As part of the service, Bulahdelah RSL sub-Branch President Peter Millen presented the school with a collection of photos, highlighting the school’s long involvement with the RSL branch.

A short service was also held at the school, with students and staff observing a minutes’ silence in remembrance of the men and women of the Australian Defence Force who made the ultimate sacrifice.

We will remember them. Lest we forget.

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