Bulahdelah stalwart to contest council election poll

Bulahdelah’s John Sayhoun.

A BULAHDELAH resident of 38 years, John Sahyoun will contest MidCoast Council elections on 14 September.

The long-serving President of the Bulahdelah Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, Mr Sahyoun is a member of the NSW National Party and a presenter with Myall Coast Radio.

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He will contest next Saturday’s poll as an ungrouped candidate.

“This election is important to give the best possible voice to all people,” Mr Sahyoun told NOTA.

“I am committed and have the necessary previous experience and will carry this into my representation of the local government area (LGA).

“The whole of the LGA is important and needs a fair, transparent and at times reactive voice for the community.”

Mr Sahyoun said the MidCoast LGA needs leaders who are “reasonable and rational”.

“I am honest, open and ethical and will take these qualities into council, ensuring transparency in all decisions.”

A former educator, Mr Sahyoun has also served as the President of the Bulahdelah Preschool and a director of the Bulahdelah Bowling Club.

In a statement to media last week, Mr Sahyoun said his key focuses were respect, collaboration and wellbeing.

“I will benefit the community through my extensive experience in professional governance, recognised by roles held on several boards, committees and local organisations.

“I will engage with the community, building each individual community and being mindful of each particular community’s needs.

“I will work collaboratively to co-create a better future for the communities we respectfully serve.”

*Editor’s note: John Sahyoun is a freelance editorial contributor to News Of The Area, as is MidCoast Independents lead candidate Thomas O’Keefe. NOTA does not endorse the campaign of any election candidate.

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