Bulahdelah Men’s Shed Delivers Lectern for Local School

Men’s Shed member Phillip Loveday with President John Lee with Bulahdelah Central School Principal George Frangos (center) at the presentation of the lectern.


MEMBERS of the Bulahdelah Men’s Shed have been working on a lectern for Bulahdelah Central School.

President of the Men’s Shed John Lee told News Of The Area, “We were asked just prior to covid striking to refurbish the schools old lectern as it was in a sad state.”

The members of the Men’s Shed took the job on not realising how COVID-19 was going to impact the shed.

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“At one point we could only have four members attending due to our small shed size and as such nearly all work stopped, we had to actually close for a while to ensure our members health and safety.”

Once the Men’s Shed was allowed to open again work slowly recommenced, unfortunately attendance was fairly low, and as such the members had to prioritise outstanding work before they could get to the lectern.

“Philip, one of our newer members took on the task of building a new lectern from scratch with help and input from various members.”

A local business donated the vinyl logo that was mounted onto a separate piece of wood to make it stand out.

“The aim was to supply something that will last for a very long time and I think we have been successful.

“The members really put a lot of effort into the lectern and it filled us all with a sense of pride to see what had been achieved.

“Bulahdelah Central School is really over the moon with the quality of the lectern and I look forward to seeing it in use,” he said.

Bulahdelah Men’s Shed is always looking for work and new members from within the community.

Please feel free to contact President John Lee on 0422273131 if you have any queries or projects that the Men’s Shed may be able to assist with.



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