Bulahdelah Golf Club


THE Vets Country Championship was played last Wednesday and T-L.Smith won the event with a 69n.

T.Stellema won the Jackpot.

On Thursday August 12 25 Vets played a 2BBB Stableford.

The winners were D.Schoonhoven & S.Clifford with 51pts. S.Sharp & G.Buck had 47pts on a cb from G.Grainger & J.Stellema. NTPs were D.Harvey, G.Grainger & C.Littlechild.

Saturday 14 was a beautiful day for the Captain V President Single Stableford Medley.

40 players enjoyed the sunshine and the run, and the Captain’s team won by only ½ a point.

The A Grade winner was D.Harvey with 42pts, and the R/up was T.Styles.

B Grade winner was M.Styles with 44 pts and R/Up was A.Reekie.


By Thora-Lou SMITH

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