Bulahdelah Bowls hots up as season 2024 rolls off in earnest

Women’s Triples winners Christina, Sue and Sheryl.

BULAHDELAH Bowling Club has started off the 2024 season with a number of contests and events.

With a variety of activities from travelling bowlers, social events and pennants teams, there has been something for every interested bowler.

The semi finals of the men’s pairs were hotly contested with the eventual winners to be named in the near future.

Pennants trials were held recently, with two teams being formed.

In a first for the club, one of the teams will be mixing it with the best men and women playing in zone 11, with the first game coming up against Forster.

The determination of the bowlers showed itself on Australia Day when 20 bowlers had a friendly match in increasingly heated conditions.

Vice President of Bulahdelah Bowling Club, Richard Laughton said, “It was good to see a great turnup on Australia Day and we managed to get in eight ends before the heat overtook us and we had to retreat to the coolness of the clubhouse.”

The women’s competition has also been heating up, with two recent playoffs.

In the triples competition Carol Rashly, Rhonda Small and Faye Southern battled it out against Christina Watt, Sue Robards and Sheryl Gascoyne in a hard-fought contest of 21 ends.

Being tied at 19-19, two extra ends were determined by a coin toss on who played the jack first to determine the winner.

“Our team was well behind at one point 14 to 3 and 18 to 8,” said Sue.

“Our last four shots on the last end made us the eventual winners and we were very excited even though it was very steamy conditions.”

With many upcoming events it is going to be a bumper season for all bowlers.


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