Brush Strokes officially opened at Art Space Urunga

Bellingen Shire Mayor Steve Allan and gallery president Netty Carse at the opening of Brush Strokes.

THE Brush Strokes project at the Urunga Art Space was officially opened on Saturday, 27 July, by Bellingen Shire Mayor Steve Allan.

Brush Strokes is a project panel of paintings on the exterior wall of the town’s gallery along Bowra Street.

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It was made possible through a Creative Placemaking Fund grant from the Bellingen Shire Council.

Brush Strokes has brought colour and vibrancy to both the Art Space gallery and to the streetscape of Urunga.

“The official opening provided an opportunity to acknowledge the Bellingen Shire Council for their funds, as well as to thank the volunteers and the 36 artists who contributed to the outside wall,” Art Space gallery spokesperson Christine Wilson told News Of The Area.

Gallery President Netty Carse, welcomed everyone to the official unveiling.

“Netty spoke about our commitment to the community and how we aim for accessibility, so everyone can enjoy art,” Ms Wilson said.

“Our Mayor, Steve Allan, unveiled the commemorative plaque, and the gallery celebrated with food and drink for everyone who attended.”

Since installing the wall, the reaction on social media and in person has been universally positive.

“As a group we are very pleased with the way the project has been received.

“As a very active and creative committee, we discuss how we can involve as many people as possible.

“The placement of the Brush Strokes wall, outside the gallery, is focussed on giving back to the Urunga community as thanks for their support over the years.”

The outdoor project can be changed after a time to allow for new works to be installed.

“I can say we do have a few excellent ideas in the pipeline… watch this space.”


The official opening of the Brush Strokes outside art project at Art Space Urunga.

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