Breast Cancer information forum comes to Coffs Harbour

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) CEO Kirsten Pilatti on stage at the Darwin Information Forum.

BREAST Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is coming to Coffs Harbour to hold a free Living Well Information Forum for people diagnosed and living with breast cancer and their supporters.

Coffs was selected as one of seven regional areas to host a BCNA forum in 2023, which will take place on Thursday 7 September at C.ex International Stadium, 9am – 3pm.

The forum will cover topics including current and emerging treatments, lymphoedema, managing financial impacts and strategies to enhance physical and emotional wellbeing.

Attendees will also hear about local support in the Coffs Harbour area that they can connect with as well as learning more about BCNA’s services and resources that are available.

There will be two simultaneous information sessions throughout the day: one for people with early breast cancer and one for people with metastatic breast cancer.

There’s a virtual option delivered via Zoom.

“We know there are significant challenges accessing resources and support services in Coffs Harbour, as there are in many regional and rural locations across Australia,” BCNA’s Director of Policy, Advocacy and Support Services, Vicki Durston, told News Of The Area.

“This may mean bearing the financial burden of travelling long distances and finding accommodation, through to lack of access to psychological support, lymphoedema care, or breast care nurses.”

BCNA surveyed Coffs Harbour members living with breast cancer in the region.

They highlighted lack of psychological support and a need for psychosocial information, advice, and strategies to support those with breast cancer.

“We have over 2000 BCNA members living within 125 kms from Coffs Harbour, which indicates a high number of people potentially having to travel long distances for screening, treatment, and follow-up,” Ms Durston said.

“One of our members was told she would have to wait up to three months for a breast biopsy, so she travelled to Sydney for the biopsy and was subsequently diagnosed with de-novo metastatic breast cancer.”

BCNA’s Information Forum gives attendees the opportunity to connect and network, share lived experiences, and hear from a series of healthcare experts.

Guest speakers at Coffs include medical oncologist Dr Michelle White, oncology social worker Dr Carrie Lethborg, ALA certified nurse Lee Millard-Newton, exercise physiologist Hugh Campbell, breast care nurse Jane Kelly, and social worker Rob Brangwin, along with BCNA members, who will share their stories.

The Coffs Harbour Breast Cancer Buddies support group will also be joining the Information Forum to promote the restart of their group following the impact COVID-19 had on face-to-face meetings.

BCNA’s Information Forums are designed for everyone affected by breast cancer – whether they have been diagnosed with DCIS, early breast cancer, or metastatic breast cancer.

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