Bowraville Education Campus students shine as they prepare for next steps into adulthood

(L-R) Eve Riches, BEC Head teacher and Careers Advisor congratulates Zarah Kete and Alexi Reynolds on their early entry into Charles Sturt University for 2022.


THERE is no doubt year twelve students around the country are feeling the impact of COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns, especially as their HSC looms closer.

Megan Cochrane, the Community Liaison at the Bowraville Education Campus told News Of The Area a feel good story that will surely bring a smile to the faces of other year twelve students in the Nambucca Valley who are feeling the pressure at the moment.

“We would like to say congratulations to Jayminya Duckett who has been successful in gaining a traineeship with Giiguy Gamambi – Indigenous Pre-School at Nambucca Heads,” Ms Cochrane happily shared.

The traineeship involves working whilst studying a certificate three in Early Childhood, then continuing with further study to gain a qualification at Diploma level.

“We are thrilled to welcome Jayminya to the team,” Giiguy Gamambi Director Rebecca Graham said.

Jayminya’s competencies in Hospitality, Food Hygiene and Workplace Health and Safety impressed the interview panel.

Jayminya was able to demonstrate a connection to culture through her work dancing with the Bangarra dance group, her artwork that was chosen to hang in the new Macksville Hospital as well as her knowledge of the Gumbaynggirr language.

“We are thrilled that Bowraville Education Campus (BEC) prepared Jayminya so well for her interview and transition from school to work and further study,” Ms Cochrane said.

The celebrations didn’t stop there.

The Bowraville Education Campus (BEC) would also like to extend their congratulations to two other year twelve students, Zahra Kete and Alexi Reynolds.

Both students have received an early offer to Charles Sturt University for 2022.

“Zarah has gained entry to study a Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science and Alexi has gained entry to study a Bachelor of Education,” Mrs Cochrane said proudly.

Ms Eve Riches, the Bowraville Education Campus’ Head Teacher and Careers advisor, assisted and supported the girls in completing their applications.

A fabulous effort by all of these students at the Bowraville Education Campus.



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