BowraMacksville UHA volunteers raise more that $99,000 for Macksville District Hospital

BowraMacksville UHA branch’s elected committee: Lorraine Edmondson, Dee Hunter, Jan Tinson, Heather Edwards, Jan Walters and Jenny Ainsworth.

UNITED Hospital Auxiliaries BowraMacksville branch has gifted a record $99,717.70 in equipment to Macksville District Hospital in the past year.

The donation for 2022-23 was mostly funded through the proceeds of the UHA coffee shop at Macksville District Hospital.

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Mid North Coast Local Health District’s Sharon Fuller said the volunteers’ phenomenal fundraising was the result of compassion, determination and teamwork.

“This is a group of ladies who are prepared to give up their own time to do something practical to help others,” Mrs Fuller told News Of The Area.

“They are compassionate people with wonderful personalities, who don’t mind having a bit of fun while helping others.

“I cannot begin to explain how inspiring they are and how much their selfless act of volunteering changes the lives of our patients.

“They are an integral part of our Health family at Macksville, and we absolutely appreciate everything they do for our wonderful hospital,” she said.

The inspiring achievement was revealed at the branch’s Annual General Meeting at Bowraville Recreation Club, where committee members were joined by fellow volunteers and the hospital’s Deputy Director of Nursing, Mark Tyler.

Mr Tyler thanked the dedicated volunteers for their ongoing efforts in operating the hospital café and supporting other projects like the Clive Thew Memorial Garden project in the hospital grounds.

“I never cease to be surprised at how well the community supports the hospital,” he said.

“The garden has been a wonderful addition to the hospital, and we certainly look forward to it continuing to be.”

In her President’s report, Lorraine Edmondson reflected on the loss of two long-term members in Vice President Isabelle Hooper, who helped to start the old hospital café in 2009, and Moira Welsh.

“Isabelle was an outstanding President for many years and Moira was an enthusiastic raffle ticket seller in Bowraville,” Lorraine said.

Lorraine thanked the café volunteers for their dedication and service throughout the past year.

“We receive many comments on the value of the cafe within the hospital and the excellent service provided,” she said.

“The hospital staff members have been our main customer source followed by visitors and families of patients.”

Lorraine will continue as the branch’s President in 2023-24, supported by Jan Walters as Vice President, Susan Hedgecoe as Secretary and Dee Hunter as Treasurer.

Ten-year service medals were presented to Dee Hunter and Heather Edwards at the meeting.

The branch’s $99,717 donation for 2022-23 purchased a paediatric vein finder, Sonosite PX Ultrasound system, emergency trolley, intubation trolley, ward bed and Nebula mattress, Rolatoe, four over bed tables, a handheld Pulse Oximeter and a Panoptic Ophthalmoscope.

“I really want to thank the members of the Auxiliary,” Lorraine said.

“None of us are ‘old’ but also none of us are really ‘young’ but we are certainly young at heart.

“We look forward to another productive year providing much-needed equipment and doing this with enthusiasm and energy.”

The UHA branch is holding a trivia night on Saturday 26 August at the Nambucca Heads Golf Club.

Call 6569 4111 to reserve a table of 10 people.


Macksville District Hospital’s Deputy Director of Nursing Mark Tyler presents 10-year medals to Dee Hunter and Heather Edwards.

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