Botanic Garden Lake restoration plan – weed all about it

Plans afoot to rid the Japanese Lake of its weedy problem once and for all.


PLANS are now in place to tackle the weedy problem at The North Coast Regional Botanic Gardens’ Japanese Garden Lake.

Recently News Of The Area reported that the Friends of the Garden had been working with Coffs Harbour City Council’s Curator of the Botanic Garden, who is actively investigating options for controlling the spread of this unwanted visitor.

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Over the past seven years several problems with aquatic weeds, both native and exotic have blighted the beauty of the Japanese Garden Lake.

At present there’s the native mosquito fern (Azolla filiculoides) and duck weed (Lemna minor) infesting the lake surface with Parrot’s feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) as a submerged weed problem.

The Curator has previously implemented several strategies to combat these issues but the problem has persisted.

Despite best efforts with hand removal, aerators (subsurface and surface) and several different water weed certified chemicals, all have resulted in poor results.

So, to the new plans.

• The intention now is to contract a weed harvester to remove the floating weed which also removes the excess nutrients from the lake.

The number of aerators in the lake will be increased as will the flow hours of the waterfall.

• The fountain will be removed, and the water flow will be used to create a current in the lake to ensure aerated water is dispersed throughout the lake’s water volume.

• The lake will be treated with a natural product, Diatomix (Nano nutrients for diatom regeneration) to develop a natural balance of the lake water.

• A progress review will include monthly monitoring of the water quality and nutrient levels.

Nola Miles, President, Friends of the North Coast Regional Botanic Garden told News Of The Area, “It is disappointing to both our visitors and our volunteers that previous attempts to resolve the issues with the lake have not met with success.

“We will continue to work closely with Council staff for however long it takes until the lake is restored.

“I am encouraged with the research behind the latest strategy and looking forward to its implementation.

“Our committee thanks Council for its collaboration.

“We are immensely proud of the Japanese Pavilion and the associated lake with the ultimate goal being to give visitors the best possible experience.

“Our dedicated volunteers and the Coffs Council employees, will also be encouraged as they see their efforts rewarded.”




Friends of the North Coast Regional Botanic Garden committee members: Secretary Rob Watt, Communications Officer Angela Lownie, and President Nola Miles.

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