Bonny Hills’ carolling crowd ‘the biggest yet’

The team from Bennett Steel lifted the Christmas Tree into position. Photo: supplied.

“YOU couldn’t see Santa for the billy lids (kids)”, that’s how one Bonny Hills resident described the crowd at last Sunday’s packed Carols at the Beach.

Wauchope Bonny Hills Surf Life Saving Club has hosted the event for the past fifteen years, with key community groups pitching in to help.

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Organiser Mel Robinson said this year’s event was the biggest, with between 700 and 800 people either claiming a spot on the reserve between the playground and the surf club, or joining in from the comfort of their balconies.

“We feel this event is important to bring the community together at this time of year for social connection and to celebrate community spirit and togetherness,” Mel told the News Of The Area.

The centrepiece was a Christmas Tree erected on Friday by sponsors Bennett’s Steel and given the “magical” touch by the Wauchope Chamber of Commerce.

On Sunday evening, Santa arrived by fire engine and was soon lost in a sea of children, flashing lights and lollies.

The carolling then kicked-off with the “soul-stirring” sound of bagpipes.

“Youth bands turned up the energy, solo performers hit all the right notes, and Nathan Praise brought a little country twang to the mix,” Mel said.

“And let’s not forget the Camden Haven Concert Band with the Salt Community Church Choir, who got everyone in the Christmas spirit with their beautiful harmonies.”

The success of the annual carols is due to community collaboration, the efforts of volunteers and the generosity of local businesses.

The long list of the night’s supporters and volunteers can be found in Mel’s Facebook message to the community at


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