Bloody Good Tour comes to Coffs Harbour

Simon “Simmo” Braun will be at the Big Banana next Thursday.

SIMON “Simmo” Braun will be at the Big Banana on Thursday, 8 August, on his nationwide tour promoting blood and plasma donations.

Simmo, a Central Coast father, will visit every donor centre across the country over the next year as part of “The Bloody Good Tour”.

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He will spend three months touring NSW and Queensland and will take a month off before embarking on leg two, Victoria.

Simmo is aiming to save thousands of Aussie lives during the tour and is calling on locals who have never donated blood or plasma before, to sign up for The Bloody Good Tour Lifeblood team, “Bloody Good Humans”.

“Over a period of 12 months my kids and I will be caravanning across the country… and myself and my crew will donate plasma fortnightly,” Simo said.

“While I haven’t experienced the need for blood myself, last year I faced some deep personal challenges and I found regular blood donation positively impacted my mental health.

“I’ve experienced tough times, just like everyone else, and as a blood donor the lifesaving part of my identity lifts my spirits.

“Thousands of Australians are alive because of blood donors, and those people have families, friends, teammates, colleagues and clients, whose lives are also better as a result.

“That is a pretty special feeling.”

Lifeblood spokesperson Ruth Harrison told News Of The Area that a survey of donors and non-donors supported Simmo’s experience.

“Our findings show that people who donate blood strongly believe [it is a] positive for their mental health, with most reporting they felt nothing but good after their donation,” she said.

“With blood demand at a ten year high and plasma demand the highest it’s ever been, we’re calling on locals in Coffs Harbour to show their support by donating blood and registering for the Bloody Good Tour donation team.

“Our donor centres are happy places filled with ordinary people doing extraordinary things, and we think many people out there could benefit from being a part of this community.”

To register to donate, visit or call 13 14 95.


Simmo says donating blood and plasma helps with his mental health.

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