Birds, Bees, Flowers and Trees inspire the July exhibition at Woolgoolga Gallery

1st prize sculpture ‘Lost call’ with repurposed stand by Sherilyn Hawley.


BIRDS, Bees, Flowers and Trees are the nature-rich topics set as the theme for the July members exhibition at the Woolgoolga Gallery.

Sherilyn Hawley from the Gallery told News Of The Area, “Art can show us the beauty of nature seen by the artist as a pretty picture or a challenging piece expressing the human relationship with our natural world.

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“In art we can address environmental issues and topics such as global warming, conservation, sustainability, biodiversity and threatened habitats.

“Art has the ability to educate the viewer about these issues, creating awareness about such important topics.

“It is important to feel a connection to the natural world, in fact it may be vital to our survival.

“As artists, time is spent in nature, maybe painting plein air or finding inspiration in our wonderful world.

“Tune into your surroundings, turn off your phone, feel the wind, the sun or the cold.

“Observe the veins of a leaf, feel a tree trunk and watch the ocean.

“Let your mind be as vast as the sky – be still, look, appreciate, breathe.”

The winners of this beautiful exhibition are:

1st prize went to Sherilyn Hawley with her sculpture of the endangered Regent Honeyeater called ‘Lost Song’.

2nd prize was awarded to Harriet Bystrom for her mixed media painting of a Cassowary, entitled ‘Long Neck’.

3rd prize went to Jane Mann with her encaustic painting ‘From the Garden’.

“Many thanks to our wonderful judges who had a hard time finding the winners amongst so many wonderful works,” said Sherilyn.

Judges attending the prize-giving were Awia Markey from Coffs Gardening Club and Bite Food Tours and Judith Webster from Coffs Harbour Beekeeping Supplies who also kindly donated the 3rd prize.

Invitations have been sent out to groups in the community.

If anyone would like a visit with a group, morning tea can be arranged.

Please call the gallery on 0402 757 464.




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