Bellingen Shire youth art exhibitions and prizes

Celebrating the artistic talents of young people in Bellingen Shire.

NEIGHBOURHOOD Centres of Bellingen Shire (NCOBS) is staging a celebration of art during Youth Week 2025, 9 – 17 April, culminating in three exhibitions.

NCOBS is the governing body of Bellingen Youth Hub, Dorrigo Youth Centre, Bellingen Nambucca Youth Service and three local neighbourhood centres.

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“NCOBS is passionate about supporting young people in our shire in all their endeavours, and keen to see the diverse local talent and self-expression come out in these exhibitions,” NCOBS’ Lauren Mills told News Of The Area.

Entry in the exhibitions is open now for those aged twelve to 25 years who live in Bellingen Shire, and closes 1 April.

Each person can enter up to three pieces with free art materials, including canvas, paint sets and brushes, available for entrants to collect at Neighbourhood Centres in Bellingen, Dorrigo and Urunga.

All mediums are welcome: sculpture, wearable art, sketches, photography and paintings.

The artwork entries will be sorted into three regions for the exhibitions: The Plateau (Dorrigo and surrounds), Bellingen and The Valleys (Thora, Kalang, Glennifer, Fernmount) and The Seaboard (Urunga, Raleigh, Repton, Mylestom).

The Art Space Urunga gallery will host The Seaboard Show from 9-16 April.

Bellingen Gallery and Framing will host the Bellingen and The Valleys Show from 11-17 April.

The Never Never Mind will host The Plateau Show for one night only on 10 April allowing entrants to enter the popular Dorrigo Easter Show the following day.

Opening nights will include prizes, and presentations.

The project has been made possible through funding from the Community Drug Action Team (CDAT).

“Bellingen Shire CDAT is hosted by NCOBS, and this project aims to celebrate artistic creativity and merit whilst promoting art as a healing tool that also incorporates mindfulness and self-regulation,” Ms Mills said.

“We also have a fantastic swag of prizes thanks to our funding body, local arts shops and art groups coming on board to donate prizes to the winning entrants at each exhibition.”

Thanks go to Urunga’s Island Art Shop and Studio, Kadmium Art + Design Supplies, Weave, Bellingen Gallery and Framing, Big Fig Arts and The Balcony Art Studio.

Completed artworks must be dropped off to one of the three Neighbourhood Centres along with a completed entry form.

Entrants are welcome to sell their work at the shows, with all details on the entry form.

For further information, access to materials, or help getting your artwork to the local Neighbourhood Centres call the centre or email Lauren on


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