Bellingen Shire Council triples community markets fees

ORGANISERS of the monthly Bellingen Community Markets and the biannual Bellingen Plant Fair will be hit with steep increases to use Bellingen Park in 2024-25.

At its meeting on 26 June, Bellingen Shire Council voted to nearly triple the cost to use Bellingen and Connell parks – rising from $220 per market day to $600 per market day.

The vote rose from an amendment by Cr Ellie Tree.

Councillors Dominic King and Jenny Fenton had requested that any fee rises for Bellingen Park be capped at ten percent.

The news has not gone down well with Bellingen Environment Centre committee member Caroline Joseph, who said a small cost increase was expected, but not a trebling.

Bellingen Environment Centre organises the plant fair.

She said the organisers would be forced to pass the cost on to stallholders, who would also pay $5.50 each to the council to set up a stall.

“This will be the 35th year of the plant fair, which regularly brings more than 2000 people through the gate,” Ms Joseph said.

“It’s not a money maker.

“I call it a modern-day miracle of generosity because all the work is done by volunteers.

“It’s a wonderful day for everyone.

“We bring a lot to the town; we bring a lot to the community.

“How much can you squeeze out of people?

“How much can people take?

“I know how hard these people work.”

“I’m a great devotee of the plant fair.

“It does show who we are.”

She said plant growers were being treated differently to livestock farmers.

“At the same meeting they removed the fees from Dorrigo Saleyard because they said the farmers were doing it tough,” Ms Joseph said.

“What’s the difference?

“All farmers and growers are doing it tough.

“Cost of living through the roof and incessant rain could not have improved conditions for growers.

“This will cause a further impost on our local, small growers and although a fee rise might be expected, the jump from $200 to $600 per day is unfair and is not happening to other groups who use council facilities.”

A Bellingen Shire spokesperson said each year the council reviewed its fees and charges.

“While we recognise that most general fees will increase in line with CPI, it is important that we thoroughly review all fee structures to ensure they align with Council’s financial sustainability practices,” the spokesperson said.

“During the most recent Council meeting, a recommendation was put forward to Council by the Section 355 committee that manages Bellingen and Connell parks of a revised fee structure for market stalls of $5.50 per market stall, per day.

“This change in fee structure is to better reflect a consistent set of charges across all markets held at these parks, while also taking into account the current level of service required by Council and the Section 355 committee to provide maintenance and programming to support these events.

“Council recognises the important role of community markets in our region.

“There are a number of ways in which Council currently supports community events and initiatives, including through the community grants program.

“We encourage any organisations to apply for these grants should they meet the eligibility criteria to assist in their program delivery.

“As part of reviewing these charges, the Section 355 committee conducts stakeholder engagement and Council encourages all user groups to be involved in committees to provide input into activities such as fee reviews.

“The proposed fees and charges were placed on public exhibition for 28 days following the April Ordinary Meeting of Council.

“Through this process, Council received one submission, which was tabled at the June Ordinary Meeting, prior to final adoption of the broader Revenue Policy and Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2024/25.”

By Mike HELY

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