Bellingen Diggers Swimming Club Coffs Coast Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 24, 2021March 25, 2021 15.3.21 We had seven swimmers tonight and two helpers. RACE 1 Nominated Time Medley, will find out the results on Presentation night. RACE 2 $ 25m Freestyle HEAT 1 Peter Allison went for hell for leather coming first, in second was Jill Williams and in third was Amanda Vockler. HEAT 2 Helen Trist went like the wind coming first, in second was Stephen Boyd in third was Elizabeth Casey. FINAL Stephen Boyd went like a bat out of hell coming first and in the money, in second was Peter Allison and in third was Jill Williams. RACE 3 25m Backstroke HEAT 1 Helen Trist had her windmill arm on coming first, in second was Amanda Vockler and in third was Peter Allison. HEAT 2 Cassie Vockler put the pedal to the metal coming first, in second was Stephen Boyd and in third was Elizabeth Casey. RACE 4 25m Breaststroke HEAT 1 Helen Trist came first by the skin of her teeth, closely followed in second was Stephen Boyd and in third was Cassie Vockler. HEAT 2 Peter Allison came in first, in second was Amanda Vockler and in third was Elizabeth Casey. RACE 5 75m Freestyle There was one bust in this race, Cassie Vockler taking one second off her time. HEAT 1 Jill Williams swam like a flash of lightning coming first, in second place was Peter Allison and in third was Stephen Boyd. HEAT 2 Amanda Vockler came from nowhere coming first and in second was Elizabeth Casey. A great and tiring night had by all, come and join us for some fun and laughter on Monday night at 6. By Lois LANE