Bellingen artists next to feature at Nexus

Cynthia Miller’s Waratah 1.

NEXUS Community Art Gallery in Bellingen’s The Old Buttery, is about to showcase the work of two local artists.

Opening on 11 August and showing until 6 September, Cynthia Miller’s work can be viewed in the Main Gallery while John Biggart’s is in the Studio Gallery.

Cynthia’s exhibition is called “Original Cyn”.

“I paint in my home studio in Bellingen and attend weekly ceramics classes with Tamasin Pepper,” Cynthia told News Of The Area.

Both mediums are being included in her show.

Art has been a source of pleasure for Cynthia since childhood.

“Following my heart was not an option as a career, so my passion for all things creative has flourished uncontrolled in my senior years,” she said.

Ceramics classes in Sydney stimulated her interest and the compulsion to paint followed.

“Having spent extensive time living in Canada and New Zealand, much of my inspiration has been drawn from the stunning landscapes of both countries.

“With excellent advice from an artist friend in New Zealand who said, ‘Just Do It’, I put brush to canvas.”

As her personal style began to emerge, her confidence grew, and she began to dare to call herself an artist.

“In what has become my method, I spend lengthy times observing and absorbing, and then I paint my mind’s interpretation.

“I never paint with the subject in front of me.”

Cynthia combines landscapes, floral still life paintings and horses.

She continues to expand her repertoire and broaden her scope and style.

“Regular doses of inspiring natural landscapes and works of art cannot fail to influence your style and your success in capturing the essence [of something].”

John Biggart is an experienced, multi-award winning artist.

His latest works are abstracts, which he has found both challenging and fulfilling.

“Bellingen is a great place to live and paint and thank goodness for the Nexus Gallery,” John told NOTA.

His work, however, draws on Central Australia.

“Over the years I have made trips to ‘The Centre’ and collected a great amount of material, which I have drawn for this exhibition.

“I was very lucky to be involved with Sand Drifters (artists).

“We camped out in the bush, ate wonderful food, drank too much wine, enjoyed great company, and painted every day.

“I think that painting Plein Air is best for me.”

John attended the National Art School in Sydney.

He has had many exhibitions and won several prizes and once had a painting accepted in the prestigious Wynne Prize.


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