Bee-hive yourself around bee swarms this spring

A bee swarm in Tea Gardens. Photo: Ken Paton.


SPRING is in the air.

The scent of flowers carried on the warm breeze, blue skies unlimited and endless.

The sleepy buzz of bees as they busy themselves gathering pollen to turn into delicious honey.

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Just like humans, bees are not restricted by lockdown if they want to move house.

A bee swarm can be an alarming sight to see, especially if they alight onto a house or a car.

Beekeepers urge people to not be afraid of swarming bees, as they are quite docile.

Bees will gorge themselves with honey before departing, and this feast will make them sluggish and unlikely to attack.

Local beekeeper Matt Black turned up to collect a bee swarm which had fallen from a tree and onto the road recently, only to find that a local resident had poured petrol over the swarm.

“I arrived to find a local resident had taken it upon himself to pour fuel onto the bees out the front of his house,” he explained in a Facebook post.

“I was literally just lost for words!”

If you do come across a bee swarm, ignoring them is the best course of action.

The bees will often move on by themselves.

Stay back and admire them from a distance.

Local beekeepers will often collect bee swarms and either relocate them, or add them to their own collection.

A special vacuum cleaner is used to suck up the bees and contain them safely.



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