Be Aware of Bush Fire Danger Season in the Nambucca Valley Nambucca Valley by News Of The Area - Modern Media - September 12, 2021 THE Nambucca Valley LGA is now officially in its Bush Fire Danger Period as of Wednesday, 1 September. This means that land holders must now obtain a free fire permit and inform their local fire authority 24 hours before conducting any property burn off. News Of The Area spoke with Captain Robert Couchman, Fire and Rescue NSW, Nambucca Heads station, about the small fires recently around Nambucca Heads, Bellingen and Taylors Arm. “There has been a normal start to the season with landholders conducting burn offs before the fire season starts. “As the weather warms, undergrowth will become dryer and more of a hazard, anyone considering burning off needs to contact their Rural Fire Service,” said Captain Couchman. While hazard reductions are an important part of preparations, landholders need to be extremely careful, as escaped burns can lead to heavy penalties. “Landholders tend to rush into burning off measures before 1 September to prevent having to obtain a permit, however, the same rules apply to anyone conducting fire hazard reduction before or after the permit date,” said Stuart Rob, Acting Manager, Rural Fire Service Mid North Coast. Land holders and firefighters have reported increased grass growth from recent rain, and the threat of grass fires will increase as this dries out. Mr Rob stated, “Although, there has been significant rainfall this year, and the ground is still wet, this leads to increased vegetation and drying of underbrush, and an increased bush fire hazard.” If a fire does escape, landholders need to ring Triple Zero (000) immediately so emergency services can respond and minimise the damage, and spread. While landholders and fire firefighters are busy preparing, residents should be doing the same. Residents should update and discuss their bushfire survival plan. Discuss with the family what to do during the fire, talk about when you will leave, and where you will go, what you’ll take, and what to do with animals. For details on making a bushfire survival plan visit For information about the Bush Fire Danger Period visit To notify your intent to burn, use the online burn notification tool at By Karen GRIBBIN