BCS year 12 students delighted with early university offers

Jom Narsawad has been accepted to study a Bachelor of Business and Saira Nakov a Bachelor of Teaching, both courses are offered at Charles Sturt University. Photo: Megan Cochrane.

BOWRAVILLE Central School is celebrating their Year 12 students’ success in Early Round University Offers.

Year 12 students Jom Narksawad, Saira Nakov, Ben Tysoe and Kayanna Greenup have all received unconditional offers for a place in their preferred course at Charles Sturt University.

In the Round 1 Early Offer Program, Jom Narksawad received an offer for Bachelor of Business, Saira Nakov a Bachelor of Teaching, Ben Tysoe a Bachelor of Computer Science and Kayanna Greenup a Bachelor of Psychology.

All four students have accepted their offers.

The students are enrolled at Bowraville Central Educational Centre (BEC), and have worked hard to achieve these places at university.

Their successful entry was based on Year 11 results and ‘soft skills’ (such as community service, teamwork and creativity) that they presented in their applications.


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