BCS celebrates Graduating Class of 2022

Olivia Smith, Sophia Stubbs, Georgina Cunich (Year Advisor), Raylee Kierens, Amber Cunningham

THIRTEEN years of schooling has come to an end for the Bulahdelah Central School (BCS) graduating class.

BCS Principal George Frangos said the students had “showed us all how to get on with it throughout the last three extraordinary years”.

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“Thirteen years of schooling is coming to an end.

“You have been on an incredible journey.

“You demonstrated resilience during this unprecedented time through your commitment to your studies
and stepping up to the challenges.

“You have been a remarkable year group.”

Mr Frangos wished the graduating class all the very best for their future undertakings in 2023 and beyond.

“Never give up on the truly important things in life and focus on what makes you happy and content.

“Congratulations Class of 2022!

“We will miss you! We are so proud of you!” said Mr Frangos.

Deputy Principal Melissa Parotta said the graduating class conducted themselves “with dignity and tackled every challenge presented with determination and positivity”.

“No doubt your memories will include significant moments like your first day of school, your favourite
teacher, your friends, the excursions and of course, the changes brought about by COVID-19.

“It has been such an incredible time.

“You should be very proud of the hard work that you have put in and especially proud of the lovely people
you have become.”

BCS student Raylee Kierens said, “Spending time with friends was one of the highlights of my thirteen years at BCS.

“Amongst my proudest achievements were representing the school at the National Futsal Championships at
the Gold Coast and completing Year 12.

“If I could have changed one thing at BCS it would have been the fence. It made arriving late and sneaking
out during the day a bit of a challenge.

Raylee now plans on starting a career as a personal trainer.

Attachment 2 Class of 2022 Year 12 Class Group

Attachment 3 Year 12 Major Awards

Attachment 4 2 LtoR: Olivia Smith, Sophia Stubbs, Georgina Cunich (Year Advisor), Raylee Kierens, Amber Cunningham

Attachment 5 5 Back Row LtoR: Jamie grant, Jye King-Stow, Amber

Cunningham, Sally Whitelaw, Tiarne Ryan

Front Row: Jake Kinnear (Year Advisor)

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